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The following is a basic outline of the concepts and curriculum used at the VPS.

Social / Emotional

  1. Interpersonal Relations (sharing, taking turns, respectful of the rights of others).
  2. Play (solitary-parallel-cooperative).
  3. Behavior (self-esteem, responsibilities, appropriate expression of feelings).


  1. Directional, Dimensional, Positional terms (comparatives, opposites)
  2. Self-Identification
  3. Memory

Fine Motor

  1. Cutting
  2. Paste/Clay/Paint
  3. Blocks
  4. Graphomotor skills (coloring, writing)
  5. Bears
  6. Pegs
  7. Puzzles


  1. Measurement
  2. Shapes/Colors (matching, sorting, sequencing)
  3. Numbers/Counting


  1. Listening skills
  2. Visual Discrimination
  3. Visual Memory
  4. Alphabet
  5. Auditory Discrimination
  6. Auditory Memory
  7. Eye Movement (left to right)
  8. Thinking skills

Social Studies

  1. Community Helpers
  2. Transportation
  3. Holidays
  4. Family Living
  5. Suburban, City, Farm Living
  6. American Ethnic Culture


  1. Seasons
  2. Weather
  3. Senses
  4. Sounds
  5. Personal Hygiene
  6. Animals
  7. Magnets
  8. Floating Objects
  9. Forms of Water
  10. Volume Relationships
  11. Light/Dark/Shadows
  12. Plants
  13. Food Groups
  14. Body Awareness

Language Arts / Listening

  1. Direction Following
  2. Vocabulary Extension
  3. Classification
  4. Sequence Recall
  5. Main Ideas
  6. Comparing
  7. Inferences


  1.  Basic Elements
  2. Singing/Instruments/Movement


  1. Body Control
  2. Emotional Expressions
  3. Motor Skill Development:
           Coordination; Strength; Flexibility; Balance


  1. Feeding/Drinking 
  2. Dressing